Are you tired of being tired?

I have been there. I hear you. You miss the days where you felt like yourself. Maybe you look in the mirror and don't recognize what you see anymore. Some days your patience is thin. Some days you just feel like your trying to survive. You are exhausted, burned out, and your calendar doesn't seem to show any signs of you becoming a priority.
Motherhood is not about survival. Instead, It is about who you are becoming, with a family to care for and lead. It will require you to become a better version of yourself. You are becoming a new version of YOU. Don't believe the narrative babe. You CAN thrive thru all stages of motherhood. You CAN enjoy every stage of the process, and you CAN become the mother you've wanted to be.
If you're tired of the narrative and just surviving day to day, I've got you girl. It is time to thrive. It is time to become the best version of YOU. It is time to let yourself be a priority too. You deserve this and they deserve the best version of you, too.

Join me inside The Balanced Body

This 24-Week program for Mom's who are ready to put themselves first so they can authentically show up as the Mom they want to be, feeling good in their skin while doing it.

  • You have tried all. the. diets. and for some reason nothing is working. You feel like you are fighting your body and are sick of not feeling comfortable in your clothes.

  • Motherhood has you feeling like you cant prioritize YOU. You have fitness goals but dont know when or how you will achieve them. Stress is just a part of daily life.

  • You want a solution that doesn't feel like you're taking on another job to keep up with it

Join The Balanced Body Program!

Finally learn what works best for YOUR body, find YOU in motherhood, and understand how to support your hormonal health so you can feel good in your skin, nourish your body, and mentally have the space to be the Mom you want to be.

FREE Wellness Assessment

Lets start with finding out our areas to focus on. Whether we need to improve in our lifestyle, nutrition, or movement, lets assess where we are at currently to know where we need to improve to get you back to YOU!

Looking for Individual Support?

We offer private coaching programs for a select group of clients. Click the button below to fill out of a form and let's talk next steps!

Meet Brooke

Brooke Rozmenoski

I am a nutrition nerd with over a decade of experience in the fitness industry. I fell in love with nutrition years ago through my own personal weight loss journey at a young age. As an adult I helped heal my gut health and thyroid conditions with lifestyle changes and nutrition. Now after becoming a Mama, and thru the process of pregnancy and postpartum recovery, I realized how disconnected we are in supporting women’s health, hormones, fitness goals, and even just understanding our own bodies. I am on a mission to change that. I want to help cut thru the BS and educate women so we feel empowered about our health and wellness. I am certified thru USAW, NPTI, PN1, and a 3d maps movement specialist. I believe in education and understanding how the choices we make, products we use, and things we eat can affect our life in a positive or negative way. Join me in my programs and let me help you live your best life!

Mama's Who Said "Yes!"

Amber G

by Author's name

First off I will say that the 5 months I have spent with Brooke as my coach have been much more than I expected. What first peaked my interest was her focus on women’s health and hormone balance. I won’t lie I also loved that she eats bacon! When I started 1:1 coaching with her I felt pretty frustrated, tired, but most of all broken. I was having some health issues I could not overcome despite being a regular runner. I would exercise on a regular basis running up to 75 miles per month and honestly thought I was a pretty healthy person, but I was stuck. I even work as a health professional and felt that I had a good grip on my nutrition and was still struggling. I could not lose weight, I was fatigued, had terrible acne, poor sleep, high stress. In comes Brooke. We chopped away at my goals slowly. No change was monumental, but it was the small changes over time with consistency that made all the difference. She did not put me on some crazy diet that I would fail we made changes that I was able to adapt into my everyday life. Changes that are sustainable long term. Brooke created a plan for me that was individualized, but also gave me freedom to make my own choices about my nutrition so that I learned along the way. I am still able to enjoy nights out with my hubby and friends. I’m able to enjoy vacations. She didn’t just look at my nutrition she looked at the whole picture. We tackled my sleep, stress management, and exercise. I have lost approximately 10 pounds, my acne has completely cleared up, but besides that I feel strong and beautiful both on the outside and in. I am am stronger than ever both physically and mentally. I have praised about my 1:1 coaching to many people and would recommend Brooke to anyone who is looking for some individualized support.

Bridget B

I started with Brooke around Christmas of 2020 when I was having some health issues. People thought I was crazy for starting a "diet" during the holidays. Working with Brooke is not a diet and is a true lifestyle change. Brooke helped me look at my mental and physical health in a whole new way. By taking a holistic approach to my health, I saw results in so many areas of my life. Not only did I lose weight, but I improved my sleep, have more energy, got into a consistent workout routine, and learned how to fuel my body with what it needs. I chose to invest in myself with Brooke and I could not be happier with where I am today in my health journey!

Caitlyn B.

I was 7 months postpartum after having my second baby and ready to come to terms that my body would never be the same again. In the middle of a global lockdown, working full-time from home with two toddlers, I was living in complete survival mode. Working with Brooke has changed my life. Brooke created a custom program to fit a busy moms lifestyle. She taught me about postpartum nutrition, healthy habits, to set boundaries, and how to handle the mom guilt. I have taken all the tips, tricks, and techniques I have learned working with Brooke and implemented them into my everyday life. I am currently down 30lbs, feeling good in my skin, and prioritizing myself. Im not just surviving but thriving in Motherhood!

Sam H.

After years of working in the fitness industry I have never known of a program that addresses what the Balanced Body does. Brooke has such an extensive knowledge on womens bodies, how they function, hormonal health, and how to address the underlying issues that are why you are not seeing results. As a mom we are often last on our priorities, but this program also focuses on how to show up for yourself and really understand